
The emails I send my people every Sunday, end up here. To see the full version of the emails, join the mailing list!

einav avni

When you protect yourself but don't see how this is keeping you stuck and unhappy...

einav avni

Two of our strongest abilities can also be our greatest weakness - depending, of course, what we make of them... forgetfulness and ...

einav avni

No balloons, no music and maybe no even cake, although, really, cake doesn't have to have a party to be invited... so what kind of a party? ...

einav avni

We have the ability to make real changes in our lives, just by imagining the results we want and adding emotional energy to them! Find out ...

einav avni

Or in other words... how to recognise you are complicating a life that can be so simple...

einav avni

What happens when you say yes to anything you previously said no to...

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