A week on, what have we learnt?

A little story about letting go of stress

It's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote, and a week into the new year.
So... how do you like it?
Did you pause to reflect on the exiting year and the improvements you plan on making for the new, coming one?

My family and I usually like to play a little game on the eve of the New Year. We each right predictions or what we would like to see happening for each other in the new year, and then we read our notes from the year just gone. It's a lot of fun, and also makes you think when you hear the same things coming up year after year 😜

This year, because of our recent move, we didn't have a chance to unpack the relevant box with said treasure, and we spent most of the evening removing the floorboards from the ground floor, ready for major damp work to start the following day (2nd).

Let me park the house move stories for a second, and move to the up and coming summit I am putting together on natural cancer healing. As I am currently recording the 40+ interviews for the summit, the one thing that keeps coming up is stress and how important it is to both recognise it, and reduce it...

(back to the house) and as I am going through lists of things to do, people to look after, boxes to identify, keeping an eye on dwindling finances, the only thing I truly notice about me is how much stress I am feeling.


When people talk about reducing stress, they talk a lot about breathwork, about being present in the moment, and how things like going into nature, or journalling can really help. I agree, of course, but at that moment, I found nothing worked, and I wasn't able to get into the mindset of deep, meaningful breathing...

(reminds me of the joke (?) that says you should meditate 20 minutes a day, but if you're really busy, you should meditate for one hour!!)

Any way, the one thing I could still do is ask myself my most favourite question of all time, which is: how come this is happening for me right now?

And all of a sudden, a little cloud moved to the left and I was able to see that I was behaving out of expectations: that everything will work MY way, that everyone around me will display the emotions and mental/emotional stability that suited ME, that I was telling the Universe I knew better because I made a mental plan of how I want things to work out.

When I was able to bring all this into my conscious awareness, I also noticed that my breathing became deeper and I was no longer feeling like a rabbit in a headlight. I actually knew exactly what I needed to do, which at that time was to book a 2 bedroom flat near by that I could move us into while the noise, dust and lack of heating are all being sorted without us.

If you are going through stress right now, I recommend asking yourself this favourite question of mine and see how the ego melts away as wisdom and knowing come in 💞

You may also be interested in...

Only two weeks (ish) are left before the Online Summit on Natural Cancer Healing goes live and here is everything you need to know, plus the recommendations to get your tickets - TODAY (if you haven't yet)


See below some of the speakers and the topic of conversations - there has never been a collection of inspiring speakers and talks as are in this summit.
Just saying 😜

Dottie's Tip Of The Week

The HUUMANS were going around talking about Christmas and how exciting everyone was to finally be in this new house, even though I could tell it was quite a dump and a lot more work was still needed before I would personally call this place a home...
Anyway, I knew they weren't ready to listen to my higher wisdom, so I left them to do what they needed to do, and I did what I like doing most, which is a power nap on someone else's side of the sofa!
If you find yourself in conversations you don't care much for, power naps are a fantastic way of getting yourself out of them!

Best Client's Quote This Week

People sometimes make a decision about what is possible to heal and what isn't way before we even speak!
Here is a quote to help remind you that there are no limits to the healing we can achieve!


I've worked with people to help them heal all sorts of medical conditions - mostly ones the doctors couldn't find drug-free solutions for. Examples?
- Fibromyalgia
- Psoriasis
-Enlarged Prostate
- Cancer
- Colitis
- Chronic headaches /migraines
- Chronic back, neck shoulder pains
- Eczema
- Neuropathy
- Sleep problems
- Thyroid problems
- Chronic Fatigue
- Long Covid
- Vertigo
- and so many more

To chat about your own conditions and how my methods can help, please book a chat using the link:https://calendly.com/einav-4/coaching-discovery-call

Happy New Year,

 einav x